What is a stent? Also, Why Would You Need a Stent?

A stent is a minute mesh tube implanted in an artery or blood vessel to keep it open. Typically composed of plastic or metal, it is inserted into the artery during a medical process called angioplasty.

Stents are generally used to treat heart disease, particularly when plaque buildup in the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, causes narrowing or blockage. In such a scenario, restricted blood flow to the heart can result in chest pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.

Stents restore blood flow to the heart by keeping the narrowed or blocked artery open. During the angioplasty procedure, a small balloon is inserted into the artery and inflated to widen the restricted section. The stent is then positioned over the balloon and expanded, pushing it against the artery wall and holding it open. After the stent is implanted, the balloon is deflated and removed. This leaves the stent in place to support and prevent the artery from closing again.

There are various reasons why someone may require a stent, including

Chest pain :  Stents relieve chest pain (angina) caused by narrowed or blocked arteries.

Heart attack :  During a heart attack, a stent may be urgently required to regain blood flow to the heart. 

Coronary artery disease :  This kind of stent may be used to treat coronary artery disease, a buildup of plaque in the arteries that can cause chest pain and increase the risk of heart attack.

Carotid artery disease :  Stents can also treat blockages in the carotid arteries, which supply blood to the brain.

Contact Dave Medical Devices to learn how we can meet your stent needs.